Panarchistic Architecture :: Chapter #4 [4.7]

Citation: Sterry, M. L., (2018) Panarchistic Architecture: Building Wildland-Urban Interface Resilience to Wildfire through Design Thinking, Practice and Building Codes Modelled on Ecological Systems Theory. PhD Thesis, Advanced Virtual and Technological Architecture Research [AVATAR] group, University of Greenwich, London.

4.7 Homo ignis: a flash fiction 

Leaning forward, toward the flames, tentatively they lit the fennel stalk. Its light shining bright under a sky of many stars, it illuminated their path ahead. About them, creatures of the night kept their distance, watching in wonder at fire captured. Passing the torch from one to another, they marvelled at its potency. Feasts and beasts sprung forth from its flames, nurturing their bellies and their minds. Igniting their alchemical endeavours, it endowed them powers magical. Their torch held aloft, they travelled to the far corners of the world, and then to the stars under which they once stood. 

>Continue to Chapter 5 [part I] here.

The thesis is also available in PDF format, downloadable in several parts on Academia and Researchgate.

Note that figures have been removed from the digital version hosted on this site, but are included in the PDFs available at the links above.

Citation: Sterry, M. L., (2018) Panarchistic Architecture: Building Wildland-Urban Interface Resilience to Wildfire through Design Thinking, Practice and Building Codes Modelled on Ecological Systems Theory. PhD Thesis, Advanced Virtual and Technological Architecture Research [AVATAR] group, University of Greenwich, London.